Explorer++ version 1.3 now available

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David Erceg
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Explorer++ version 1.3 now available

Post by David Erceg »

Some of the changes for this version include the ability to resize most of the dialogs, as well as enhanced undo functionality (multiple rename operations can be undone as a single set). Shell extensions are also loaded directly and shown on the right-click menu. It isn't possible to choose which shell extensions will be loaded, but I would like to implement that functionality somewhere down the line.

I know it's been a while since the last "official" release, and one thing I very much want to get in place is a quicker release schedule. Because features can take a while to fully implement and I only have a limited amount of time, I might not be able to get to your favourite feature straight away, but I think quicker release times benefit everyone.

In that vein, I'm changing the release process to be similar to that of some other open source projects. I'll release version 1.3.1, 1.3.2, etc over the coming weeks, while continuing work on a larger feature in the background. Once I finish work on that feature, I'll send out a new major release - i.e. 1.4, 1.5, etc.

1.3.1 will be out within a week or two, and will come with a few bug fixes, and possibly one or two minor features. 1.3.2 will then come a few weeks later. If there are major bugs, I'll shorten the release time down to a couple of days or less. What I'd like to avoid is the situation that came up a few times during the development of version 1.3 where bugs were been fixed, but I couldn't easily get the fix out, because it was all tied to the next version.

The new functionality I'm working on for version 1.4 is an improved bookmark system. You can see the result of the work so far within the nightly build (unfortunately, it's not very useful at the moment, as large parts still need to be completed). I don't have any concrete plans for 1.5 yet, so if you do have a feature you'd like to see implemented, feel free to post it within the feature requests section of the forum!

Finally, I'd like to give a huge thanks to both ajs and twinsen for the contributions they made to version 1.3. Thanks also to everyone who has continued to submit or update translations.


Download Explorer++ 1.3 32-bit
Download Explorer++ 1.3 64-bit

Changelog for version 1.3:
New features:
- The complete state of most dialogs are now saved.
- Most dialogs can now be resized.
- Significant improvements to split file dialog.
- Context menu extensions are now shown on the main right-click context menu.
- Enhanced undo functionality. Multiple rename operations (such as those performed by the mass rename dialog) can now be undone as a single set.
- 'Delete permanently' button added to main toolbar.
- Added 'Close Tabs to the Right' entry to the tab right-click menu.
- The listview hover time can now be set by the user.
- Right-clicking search dialog results now brings up the file context menu.
- Search dialog results can now be sorted by name/path.
- Added 'Case sensitive' option to filter dialog.
- The folder navigation sound can now be disabled via the options dialog.
- The search dialog can now search using regular expressions. A case insensitive flag has also been added.
- Deleting an item in the treeview will select the parent folder prior to deletion (allowing the previously selected folder to be deleted).
- Right-clicking on the root desktop folder in the treeview now brings up its context menu.
- Trailing spaces are now trimmed when renaming an item in the listview/treeview.

Bug fixes:
- In Windows 7 when closing a tab, the wrong taskbar preview pane would be closed (i.e. the taskbar preview pane for another tab would be closed instead).
- Fixed a crash that occurred when collapsing a node in the treeview.
- When single-click activation was enabled, and an area in the listview was selected, any file under the mouse when it was released would be opened. Fixed.
- Fixed 'Open Parent in New Tab' bug (parent of current tab would always be opened, regardless of which tab was clicked).
- When opening a folder in a locked tab, the newly created tab was not switched to correctly (which caused directory modifications to fail, for example). Fixed.
- Fixed toolbar bug (when a button was added or removed from a toolbar, the length of the toolbar would be reset, causing it to resize).
- Fixed listview gridline issue (Windows XP only).
- Under certain circumstances, translation DLL's would still be loaded, even if they did not match the current version. Fixed.
- Filename extension is now hidden correctly (if required) in details view.
- Size column now remains right aligned after sorting.
- When allow multiple instances was not set, and a new instance was started, it would not restore the previous window correctly if it was minimized. Fixed.
- Summary information stream codepage wasn't been checked. Fixed.
- Fixed control panel handling bug.
- Fixed drag and drop memory leak.
- Fixed bugs in mouse wheel handler.
- Fixed bug in options dialog (apply button not enabled when changing size selection in files and folders tab).

- Version number now takes the form: Major.Minor.Micro.Revision.
- Improved drag and drop interoperability.
- File sizes are now formatted according to the current system locale.
- When collapsing the direct parent of the current folder in the treeview, the listview selection would change to the parent. Now works when collapsing multiple levels.
- The 'Size On Disk', 'Total Size', and 'Free Space' columns are now right aligned.
- The current directory is now set when the directory or tab selection changes.
- Updated 'Handle zip files' option to read 'Open zip files in Explorer++'.
- The error message shown on a translation DLL version mismatch will now be shown in the target language (when possible).
- The (main) right click context menu is no longer owner drawn.
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