Explorer++ version now available

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David Erceg
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Explorer++ version now available

Post by David Erceg »

I'm pleased to announce today that version of Explorer++ is now available. New additions in this version (as compared to the RC) include several minor new features (such as the ability to have new items inserted in their sorted positions, and the ability to browse to the default folder using the keyboard shortcut Alt+Home), as well as a relatively large set of bug fixes and tweaks, most centered around copy and paste/drag and drop. My aim both with this release and the next few releases is to consolidate all current features and ensure everything works correctly.

Over the last few weeks, I've also been working on creating an installer for Explorer++ (using the open source tool WiX), and I've continued working on the help file. I had wanted both of these done in time for this release, but they still need some more work, and will appear in the not too distant future.

Finally, thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on 1.0 RC!


Download Explorer++ 32-bit
Download Explorer++ 64-bit

Partial changelog for version (relative to version 1.0 RC, see History.txt within the main download for the full list of changes from
New features:
- New items can now be inserted in their sorted position by selecting 'Insert new items in their sorted position' in the options dialog.
- Ctrl+double clicking a folder will now cause it to open in a new tab.
- Alt+Home will now browse to the default tab folder.
- Ctrl+1...8 will now select the specified tab (between the first and eigth tab).
- Ctrl+9 will now select the last tab.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed several drag and drop bugs.
- Fixed cut/copy bug.
- Items would not always be correctly ghosted when they were cut. Fixed.
- When creating a new folder using the 'New Folder' button on the main toolbar, the item would not be put into rename mode if the current directory was a directory root. Fixed.

- Items can now be copied, cut and pasted to/from the treeview using Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V, respectively.
- Chevrons are now shown when toolbar buttons do not have enough room to be shown.
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