Folder pane showing system folders

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Folder pane showing system folders

Post by zed »

Firstly thanks for the program

Im using version 1.4.

In the folder pane, on the left hand side, im not sure why, but for each drive, it is showing system folders, "$RECYCLE.BIN" and "System Volume Information".

When I click proprties for these , the hidden option is checked.

However, in the tabs panel, on the right hand side, these folders are not showing.

Previous versions didnt show these folders anywhere if set to hidden.

On another note, this version craahes alot with a "Not Rresponding" message. Might go back to the Windows 10 default file explorer, or an earlier version, so frustrating.
David Erceg
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Re: Folder pane showing system folders

Post by David Erceg »

Hi zed, to clarify, is Explorer++ crashing or freezing? If it crashes, the window will likely disappear. On the other hand, if it's freezing, you'll get something like the "Not Responding" message, possibly with high CPU usage as well.

Do you see the same issues using the dev build? The stable build here is fairly out of date and there have been a substantial number of changes since. It's very possible that whatever issue you're seeing has been fixed in the time since 1.4 was released. And if the dev version crashes as well, it would be helpful to have a crash dump. A crash dump is the primary way that crashes are fixed. The crash handling code has had some improvements since 1.4, so if the dev version crashes, it's more likely to show a dialog that includes information about where the crash dump is located.
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Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:56 am

Re: Folder pane showing system folders

Post by zed »

It crashes as soon as i click the "X" on the Not Responsing message box, ie it closes automatically and I have to reopen. Maybe its to do with networked drives to my NAS

What is the link for the dev build I just see eith 64 or 32 bit options only?

David Erceg
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Re: Folder pane showing system folders

Post by David Erceg »

The dev version can be downloaded via ...
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