Reporting Bugs/Crashes - Please Read

Found a bug or something that needs fixing?
David Erceg
Site Admin
Posts: 944
Joined: Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:46 am

Reporting Bugs/Crashes - Please Read

Post by David Erceg »

Posting a bug report
When making a post here about a bug/crash, please include the following information:
  • Which version of Windows you are using.
  • Which version of Explorer++ you are using, and the build type (32-bit or 64-bit). This information can be found in the About dialog.
  • Whether the bug arose in previous versions of Explorer++.
  • What you were doing at the time of the crash/what caused the bug - e..g opening a folder, renaming a file, pasting a group of files, etc.
Dump files
When reporting a crash, please also send me (david at the crash dump that is created. It should be located in %temp% and be named something like Explorer++ The crash dump is a high priority, as it can help pin down the exact cause of the crash.

Logging can now be enabled in the nightly build. Currently (15/11/11), only a few statements are logged, but this will change with time. To enable logging, use the command:

explorer++.exe -enable_logging